Saturday, May 28, 2011

paraSHOOTER - Point of Situation

This time i post the point where my paraSHOOTER project goes:

- Blog created and in constant update;

- First version of the Logótipo created:

- Game elements created so far (chars, landscape, weapons):

For this project im using modified kirby chars from googlewarehouse and 3dWeapons downloaded from BlendSwap.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tutorial 2 - Making a SkyDome


This time im showing how you can do make your own SkyDome in Blender. You can use it in your render and/or games.

Anyway, here is the vídeo:

I too share the blend file.

Best Regards,


3D Models - Weapons - Cannon

Here i give you one more 3d models, this time a simple canon:

Here is the file: blend so you can practice with it.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Blender Intro - Part 2

Hi again,

This is the second part of the Blender Intro.

My last post ended with an exercise related with object movement throught the 3D scene using the G key ("grab")

First i will go throught some important aspects from the last post:

The Blender initial 3D scene appears with 3 objects:
The Cam, the Lamp and the Cube;

Right Mouse Button - Object Sellection;

Orange Border - Sellected Object(s);

Red, Blue and Green Arrows - X, Y and Z axis;

Left Mouse Button - Drag and Move Objects throught the scene;

G key - Grab the Sellected Object(s);

G-X, G-Y e G-Z key combinations - Grab and Move Objects throught the desired Axis.

In this small resume we can see that Blender use and abuse of keyboard combinations, get use to it, it gets worse! hehe


In this post, i will try to explain new features in Blender:

R - Rotate objects;

R-X, R-Y e R-Z - Rotate objects throught a desired axis.

Another important button is the Mouse Wheel, when clicked allows:

-Zoom-in and Zoom-out in the 3D scene;

-When pressed+ Mouse movement allow us to change the prespective we see the 3D scene:

Try playing around a bit with this.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

3D Models - Lansdscapes - Simple Landscape

Before i write the second part of my Blender Intro, i share with you guys a simple landscape that i created:

This landscape can be used as a desert or a mountain.

Here i left the *.blend file, as the original (collada *.dae).


Blender Intro - Part 1


Im prof-2004 and will introduce you to Blender.

As you could have seen in my last message, i recorded a video showing where you can get the lastest Blender build (2.57b), so go get it ^_^

Now, here goes the 'Introdution to Blender:

As you open Blender you get a picture like the above, showing the "the splash screen"!

With a small mouse clic you can take it out of the way, and we can start playing... er... er... cof... cof..., working ^_^

The initial scene is composed by three objects: a Camera, a Lamp and a Cube:

If you clic with your Right Mouse Button in the Cube, it gets an orange border, that means it is the sellected object. That is the way we sellect objects in Blender - RMB, dont forget it.

Exercise1: Try sellecting other objects and, why not sellecting more than one object at a time?


As you sellect, for instance, the Lâmp:

You notice it gets the previous orange border and with three arrows nearby, a red, a green and a blue (each color/arrow matches one axis).

Blender is  a 3D application and so, it works in the x, y's and z axis.

To move an object through one of the axis, you can use those arrow. Just press and hold the Left Mouse Button over the desired one and move it:

Compare this image with the previous and look at the Lamp position. I moved it in the z axis!

Exercise2: Try moving the different objects throught the 3D scene, but this time dont use the arrows. This time use the keyboard shortcuts and grab:

g - z (z axis)
g - y (y axis)
g - x (x axis)

Other exercise: Simple use the g key and watch the result.

Practice makes perfection!


Ps: Here are some examples with the original positions of the objects: ex-aula1

Tutorial 1 - Getting Blender

Here is a small video showing where do i get my Blender builds:

Best regards,


Take Off

First post of this blog related to Blender. 

I will try to focus in the more important and usefull features of this 'world always changing'.



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